Kreikan matkojen myötä heräsi tahto tehdä itse Moussakaa. Montaa reseptiä tuli kokeiltua, mutta lopputulos oli aina enemmän tai vähemmän väärä. Erityisesti valkokastikkeen ohje vaihteli laidasta laitaan. Lopulta kertyneen kokemuksen ja tämän kirjan avulla löytyi sellainen resepti, josta on voinut nauttia.


Tässäpä tämä 6 annoksen ohje, jota meillä nykyään sovelletaan. =)

1 kg aubergines
1/2 kg potatoes
1/2 kg minced meat
1 small tin peeled tomatoes
1/3 teacup oil
2 chopped onions
1 bayleaf
1 clove garlic
1- 1 1/2 teacup grated cheese
Oil for frying
Salt, pepper

White sauce
1 teacup butter
1 teacup flour
4 teacups cold milk
2 eggs
Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Wash and slice aubergines, peel and slice potatoes thinly; fry aubergines and potatoes in the oil. In another pan, sauté the onions and garlic, add the minced meat aand sauté well for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, reduce heat and cook for 30 minutes.

Layer half the fried potato slices in a buttered baking pan. Cover with half the minced meat mixture and sprinkle with grated cheese. Layer the remaining potatoes, the aubergines and the other half of the meat mixture.

Prepare the white sauce as follows: plce the butter in a saucepan to melt, add the flour ans stir continously for five minutes; then add the cold milk little by little, and continue stirring until the sauce boils. Remove the pan from the heat. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Beat two eggs, add to sauce and mix well. Pour the white sauce over the moussaka and bake for about 40 minutes or until well browned.

Wait at least 15 minutes before cutting. Serve with village salad.

Vielä muutama kuva kasvattamaan ruokahalua.